Acronyms, Abbreviations and Alpha Codes Related to Bluebirding and Other Cavity Nesters
If you have additions or corrections, please let me know! Thanks to Lloyd Ramsey for the suggestion to put this list up. Also see GLOSSARY | ALPHA CODES FOR BIRDS | SITE MAP
ABA | American Birding Association |
ACWO | Acorn Woodpecker |
AHY | After Hatch Year |
AMKE | American Kestrel |
AOU | American Ornithologist’s Union |
ATFL | Ash-throated Flycatcher |
BADO | Barred Owl |
BAN | Bluebirds Across Nebraska |
BANO | Barn Owl – also BNOW |
BBL | Bird Banding Laboratory |
BBRP | Bluebird Recovery Program of Minnesota |
BBS | Breeding Bird Survey |
BCCH | Black-capped Chickadee |
BCTI | Black-crested Titmouse |
BET | Not an acronym – Bet Zimmerman (me) |
BEWR | Bewick’s Wren |
BHCO | Brown-headed Cowbird |
BHNU | Brown-headed Nuthatch |
BNA | Birds of North America (database) |
BNOW | Barn Owl – also BANO |
BOCH | Boreal Chickadee |
BRP | Bluebird Recovery Program (Illinois) |
BSP | Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania |
BRAW | Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin |
BUFF | Bufflehead |
CACH | Carolina Chickadee |
CARW | Carolina Wren |
CBC | Christmas Bird Count |
CBCH | Chestnut-backed Chickadee |
CHSW | Chimney Swift |
COGO | Common Goldeneye |
CRBP | California Bluebird Recovery Program |
DDT | dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
DOWO | Downy Woodpecker |
DRST | Deluxe Repeating Sparrow Trap |
EABL | Eastern Bluebird |
EASO | Eastern Screech Owl |
EMT | Electric/Electrical Metal/Metallic Tube/Tubing (conduit) – comes in 10 foot lengths |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.) |
ETSP | Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
ETTI | see TUTI |
EUST | European Starling |
FAQS | Frequently Asked Questions |
FoNS | Formula for Nestling Songbirds |
GCFL | Great Crested Flycatcher |
GIFL | Gilded Flicker |
HAWO | Hairy Woodpecker |
HOME | Hooded Merganser |
HOSP | House Sparrow |
HOWR | House Wren |
HY | Hatch Year |
IBS | Indiana Bluebird Society |
ID | Identification |
IWRC | International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
JD | Julian Date |
JUTI | Juniper Titmouse |
KBS | Kentucky Bluebird Society |
LBBS | Louisiana Bayou Bluebird Society |
LEWO | Lewis’s Woodpecker |
MBA | Massachusetts Bluebird Association |
MBS | Maryland Bluebird Society |
MBS | Michigan Bluebird Society |
MBT | Montana Bluebird Trail? |
MOBL | Mountain Bluebird |
MOBS | Missouri Bluebird Society |
MOCH | Mountain Chickadee |
NABS | North American Bluebird Society |
NCBS | North Carolina Bluebird Society |
NYSBS | New York state Bluebird Society |
NOFL | Northern Flicker |
NWRA | National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association |
OATI | Oak Titmouse |
OBS | Ohio Bluebird Society |
OEBS | Ontario Eastern Bluebird Society |
PBRP | Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project |
PROW | Prothonotary Warbler |
PUMA | Purple Martin |
PVC | Polyvinyl chloride |
PYNU | Pygmy Nuthatch |
RBNU | Red-breasted Nuthatch |
RBWO | Red-bellied Woodpecker |
RCWO | Red-cockaded Woodpecker |
RHWO | Red-headed Woodpecker |
SIBTS | Southern Interior Bluebird Trail Society |
SREH | Starling-resistant Entrance Hole |
SY | Second Year |
TBN | The Birdhouse Network – now NestWatch |
TBS | Texas Bluebird Society |
TRES | Tree Swallow |
TUTI | Tufted Titmouse |
TY | Third Year |
USFWS | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service |
VBS | Virginia Bluebird Society |
VGSW | Violet-green Swallow |
WBNU | White-breasted Nuthatch |
WEBL | Western Bluebird |
WESO | Western Screech Owl |
WODU | Wood Duck |
References and More Information:
- Glossary of ornithological terms
- Site Index (map)
- List of 4 letter codes for birds
- Links and resources
– Keith Kridler, Bluebird_L, 2010