Bird BiosNest, Egg, Young and Adult Photo Album - small cavity nesters

Nest, Egg, Young and Adult Photo Album – small cavity nesters

Small Cavity Nesters: Learn to recognize birds, nests and eggs that may show up in Bluebird nestboxes.
Click on any thumbnail for a larger version. The photographer’s name in listed in parentheses after each picture.
See Nests for a narrative description of nests and eggs, and Eggs for a table showing relative egg sizes.
Choose more detailed photos from this pull down menu:

Nest, Side View
Bluebird, Eastern
Bio | Photos
Eastern bluebird nest. Bet Zimmerman photo
Eastern Bluebird Eggs. Shelly Harris photo.
White Eastern Bluebird Eggs. L. Solliday photo.
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Female Eastern Bluebird. L. Solliday photo
Bluebird, Mountain
Bio | Photos

Mountain Bluebird Nest. Zell Lundberg photo.
Mountain bluebird eggs. Zell Lundberg photo.
Mountain Bluebird nestlings. Zell Lundberg photo
Female Mountain Bluebird. Zell Lundberg photo
Male Mountain Bluebird. Zell Lundberg photo
Bluebird, Western
Bio | Photos

Nest Western Bluebird nest. Linda Violett photo
Western Bluebird eggs. Linda Violett Photo
Western Bluebird nestlings. Earl Garrison photo
Western Bluebirds. Wendy Shields photo

Chickadee, Black-capped
Bio | Photos

Black-capped Chickadee nest. Bet Zimmerman photo
Black-capped Chickadee nest with eggs. Bet Zimmerman photo
Black-capped Chickadee nest with eggs and hatchlings. Bet Zimmerman photo
Black-capped Chickadee nest with older young. Bet Zimmerman photo
Black-capped Chickadee adult. Bet Zimmerman photo
Chickadee, Boreal
Chickadee Bio | Photos

Boreal Chickadee. Wikimedia Commons photo.
Chickadee, Carolina
Bio | Photos

Nest Carolina Chickadee on nest. Keith Kridler photo
Carolina Chickadee nestlings. Keith Kridler photo
Adult Carolina Chickadee. Ken Thomas, Wikimedia Commons
Chickadee, Chestnut Backed
Chickadee Bio | Photos

Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Wikimedia Commons photo
Chickadee, Mountain
Bio | Photos

Nest Mountain Chickadee nest. Claudia Daigle photo.
Mountain Chickadee nestlings. Zell Lundberg photo
Mountain Chickadee adult. Wikimedia Commons photo
Cowbird, Brown-headed

Cowbird egg in bluebird nest. Lara Hampton photo
Cowbird nestling in Carolina Wren nest. Keith Kridler photo
Cowbird nestling in Carolina Wren nest. Elizabeth Young photo
Carolina Wren adult feeding Cowbird nestling. D. Kinneer photo.
Female Cowbird. Dave Kinneer photo
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Bio | Photos
Eurasian Tree Sparrow nest. John Curran photo
Eurasian Tree Sparrow eggs. John Curran photo
Eurasian Tree Sparrow adult male. Photo in China by Kathy Haines
Flycatcher, Ash-Throated
Bio | Photos

Ash-throated Flycatcher, photo by Zell Lundberg.
Nest Ash-throated Flycatcher eggs, photo by Zell Lundberg
Ash-throated Flycatcher eggs and nestling, photo by Zell Lundberg.
Ash-throated Flycatcher eggs and nestling, photo by P. Sharrar
Ash-throated Flycatcher adult, wikimedia commons photo
Flycatcher, Great Crested
Bio | Photos

Great-crested Flycatcher nest, photo by Richard Harlow
Great-crested Flycatcher eggs, photo by Keith Kridler.
Great-crested Flycatcher nestlings, photo by Betsy Marie
Great-crested Flycatcher adult with fledgling, photo by Richard Hodder
Great-crested Flycatcher adult, photo by Betsy Marie
House Finch
Bio | Photos
House Finch adult male, Wikimedia commons photo
House Finch adult female, Wikimedia Commons photo

House Sparrow
Bio | photos and more photos.

House Sparrow nest, photo by Bet Zimmerman
House Sparrow eggs, photo by Bet Zimmerman
House Sparrow nestlings, various ages, photo by Bet Zimmerman
House Sparrow nest, tunnel entrance more common in larger nestboxes, photo by Bet Zimmerman
House Sparrow adult female. Photo by Dave Kinneer.
Nuthatch, Brown-Headed
Nuthatch Bio | Photos
Brown-headed Nuthatch. Wikimedia commons photo
Nuthatch, Pygmy
Nuthatch Bio | Photos
Pygmy Nuthatch nestlings, photo by Linda Violett
Pygmy Nuthatch - juvenile? Wikimedia Commons
Pygmy Nuthatch adult, Wikimedia Commons photo
Nuthatch, Red-breasted
Nuthatch Bio | Photos
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch adult, Wikimedia Commons photo
Nuthatch, White-breasted
Bio | Photos
White-breasted Nuthatch nest. Bet Zimmerman photo
White-breasted Nuthatch eggs. Photo by Bet Zimmerman.
White-breasted nuthatch nestlings. Bet Zimmerman photo
White-breasted Nuthatch nestlings, 11 days old. Paul Murray Photo
White-breasted Nuthatch adult at feeder. John Beaudette photo
Purple Martin
Bio | Photos
Purple Martin adult. Wikimedia Commons photo
Prothonotary Warbler
Bio | Photos
Prothonotary Warbler nest. Photo by Robert Peak
Prothonotary Warbler eggs. Photo by Larry Broadbent
NestProthonotary Warbler nestling. RP
Prothonotary Warbler adult in breeding plumage. Photo by Robert Peak
Starling, European
Bio | Photos
Starling nest (unfinished). PHoto by Bet Zimmerman
starling egg relative to robin egg. photo by Bet Zimmerman
Starling nestlings. Photo by Bet Zimmerman
Starling juvenile/winter plumage. Photo by Wendell Long
Nest Starling adult. Photo by Bet Zimmerman

Swallow, Tree
Bio | Photos

Tree Swallow nest, side view, adult on nest. Photo by Bet Zimmerman
Tree Swallow eggs, top view. Newly laid eggs may have pinkish tint. Photo by Bet Zimmerman
Tree Swallow hatchlings. Photo by Bet Zimmerman
Tree Swallow nest with fecal material, after successful fledging. Photo by Bet Zimmerman
Incubating female Tree Swallow on nest. Photo by Bet Zimmerman
Swallow, Violet-Green
Bio | Photos
Violet-Green Swallow nest, photo by Zell Lundberg
Violet-green Swallow egg. Photo by Zell LUndberg.
Violet-green Swallow nestlings. Photo by Zell Lundberg
Violet-green Swallow adult. Photo Wikimedia Commons
Titmouse, Bridled
Bridled Titmouse adult. Wikimedia Commons photo
Titmouse, Juniper
Titmouse Bio | Photos
Juniper Titmouse nest wtih egg. Zell Lundberg photo
Juniper Titmouse nest, top view, photo by Zell Lundberg
Juniper Titmouse nestlings, photo by Zell Lundberg
Juniper Titmouse adult, Wikimedia Commons photo
Titmouse, Oak
Titmouse Bio | Photos
Oak Titmouse adult, Wikimedia Commons photo
Titmouse, Tufted
Titmouse Bio | Photos
Tufted Titmouse nest, Bet Zimmerman photo
Tufted Titmouse eggs, Bet Zimmerman photo
Tufted Titmouse nestlings, Bet Zimmerman photo
Tufted Titmouse nest in Zuern box, Bet Zimmerman photo
Tufted Titmouse adult, Pam photo
Wren, Bewick’s
Bio | Photos
Nest and Egg ID: Image
My Gallery: Image
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Wren, Carolina
Bio | Photos
Nest Carolina Wren nest on propane tank, Bet Zimmerman photo
Carolina Wren eggs, Bet Zimmerman photo
Carolina Wren nestlings, Karen Ouimet photo
Carolina Wren nest in shoe. Bet Zimmerman photo
Adult Carolina Wren feeding juvenile. Dave Kinneer photo
Wren, House
Bio | Photos
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Nest and Egg ID: Image
Mouse nest in nestbox. Bet Zimmerman photo
Female mouse (deer? white-footed?) nursing young in nestbox. Bet Zimmerman photo
Mouse nest in nestbox. Bet Zimmerman photo
Adult mouse jumping out of nestbox. Bet Zimmerman photo
Squirrels, Red
Info on Red Squirrels
Red Squirrel nest in bluebird box. Bet Zimmerman photo
Red Squirrel juvenile. Wikimedia Commons photo JJM
Adult Red Squirrel. Bet Zimmerman photo
Squirrel, Flying
Flying Squirrel nest/roost in large two-hole bluebird box. Bet Zimmerman photo
Flying Squirrel nest/roost in large two-hole bluebird box. Bet Zimmerman photo
Flying Squirrel nest/roost in regular bluebird box in Tennessee. Bet Zimmerman photo
Flying Squirrel. Keith Kridler photo


Cavity Nester Nests, Eggs and Young Photos and Bios. Also see Nest ID Matrix (contents) and Egg ID Matrix (color, spots, etc.)

Always keep in mind that the nestboxes you build, install and monitor today, may well be your very real connection to friends and loved ones long after you are gone.
– David Gwin, Bluebird_L, 2006


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