- You consider bluebirds the true harbingers of spring. (Forget about robins!)
- The first egg of the year always brings a smile to your face.
- You watch the bluebird box instead of the boob tube.
- You can recognize ‘your’ bluebirds by their looks, song, or behavior. They come when you call.
- You tell houseguests “Yes, that’s a container of squirming mealworms in the refrigerator. Why? Is there something wrong with that?”
- The wallpaper on your cellphone/laptop/desktop computer is a bluebird photo (probably by David Kinneer.)
- You roll your eyes when people refer to Blue Jays as bluebirds.
- Your shelves/clothing/walls/car/mailbox/hat have bluebirds on them. (Extra points for a bluebird tattoo.)
- You find the chirp of a House Sparrow worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. You flinch when you hear it at Home Depot or on TV.
- Your shed is overflowing with boxes, poles and miscellaneous supplies (which you spent more money on than you care to admit.) You always carry a bluebirding toolbox in your vehicle.
- You complain at those stores selling flimsy ‘craft’ nestboxes that cannot be opened for monitoring or cleaning.
- People refer to you as the Bluebird Lady or Bluebird Man.
- You can talk for hours about cavity nesters (to the dismay of your partner.)
- You engage in heated arguments about which style of nestbox is best.
- You cringe when driving by a tree-mounted birdhouse with a busted roof and squirrel-gnawed entrance hole.
- You stop at construction sites and ask to paw through their scrap wood piles.
- Your happy place is on the bluebird trail.
- Like a mad scientist, you constantly experiment with variations of baffles, heat shields, sparrow spookers, wren guards and other devices, in an effort to give your bluebirds their best chance at survival.
- You mourn the loss of each egg, baby, or adult. You find you are simultaneously sad and relieved when nesting season ends.
- You anxiously await your quarterly copy of the NABS Bluebird journal, and read it cover to cover.
Compiled by Bet Zimmerman Smith with wonderful contributions by fellow Facebooking bluebirders.
- Why we get goopy over bluebirds
- Managing House Sparrows
- Nestbox styles – pros and cons
- Raising Mealworms
- Feeding Mealworms
- North American Bluebird Society (NABS) | NABS Facebook Page
- Bluebird-L Facebook Page
- Predator Guards (Baffles)
- Sparrow Spookers
- Heat/Cold
- Wren Guards
- The downside of bluebirding
– David Gwin, Bluebird_L, 2006