Suppliers are listed in alphabetical order under the following categories. I don’t actually sell anything.
NOTE ON BROKEN LINKS: Small companies sometimes go out of business, products go out of production, and some webmasters change page names without setting up redirects, so I apologize in advance for broken links on this page!
- Ant deterrent (Tanglefoot)
- Birdbaths and birdbath heaters
- Books
- Diatomaceous earth for mites
- Feeders
- Hole Reducers (“Squirrel Tooth Benders”)
- HOSP Deterrent – House Sparrow, Magic Halo
- Gifts – also see Nature Related Gift Ideas
- Nestboxes and accessories
- Nestbox Cams
- Mealworms
- Predator Baffles
- Solar Screen
- Sparrow Spookers
- Suet
- Traps – House Sparrow or starling
- Videos
- Window clings
This is a guide to help people find bluebird-related items online. I can’t vouch for what these folks have in stock, or for quality unless I have one myself.
This is a resource only, as I intend Sialis to be an objective, educational resource, free of the influence of advertising. The exception is items (books) where there is sometimes an option to click through to 100% of any income to generated by clicking through to purchase an item from Amazon is used for bluebird conservation or donated to a nonprofit bluebirding organization. Shop around – buying directly from the producer will usually save you money. State and national bluebird societies like NABSoften offer bluebird products at competitive prices, and your purchase helps them continue with their mission.
This webpage includes links to some retailers from whom I’ve bought merchandise. I’ve also corresponded with some of these suppliers. I’ll admit that I have a personal bias towards small businesses that specialize in excellent craftsmanship and customer service, and are open to feedback. See Disclaimer. Comments are my personal opinions. Caution: Only order online if the website is secure. Not all websites linked here are. Otherwise call or fax your order in.
If you buy from Amazon, you can now go to, and select the North American Bluebird Society (NABS) as your charity of choice. Amazon will then donate 0.5% of the purchase price for eligible products to NABS.
BOOKS: See Bluebird and birding books for complete list, reviews, contents, links
- The Bluebird Book: The Complete Guide to Attracting Bluebirds (A Stokes Backyard Nature Book) Donald and Lillian Stokes.
- Bluebird: How You Can Help Its Fight for Survival, Larry Zeleny
- The Bluebird Monitor’s Guide to Bluebirds and Other Small Cavity Nesters, Cynthia Berger, Keith Kridler, Jack Griggs.
- Bluebirds (Camp & Cottage Collection, 2. Wildlife), Steve Grooms, Dick Peterson
- Bluebirds and Their Survival, Wayne H. Davis, Philippe Roca
- Bluebirds Forever, Connie Toops.
- Bluebirds in My House: Bonnie and Ben, Arnette Heidcamp
- Bluebird trails: A guide to success, Edited by Dorene Scriven
- Eastern Bluebird (Wild Bird Guides), Gary Ritchison
- Enjoying Bluebirds More: A Special Publication from Bird Watcher’s Digest, Julie Zickefoose,
- Mountain Bluebird Trail Monitoring Guide, Myrna Pearman
- Blue Sky Bluebird, Rich Chrustowski (for children)
- Bluebird Summer, Deborah Hopkinson (for children)
- Books for children about bluebirds
- Backyard Blues, 1991. Fledglings feed at kitchen window and bathe. Bluebird orphans, etc. Birdseye View Productions. 48 minutes.
- Bluebird Basics, Getting Started with Bluebirds, by Don and Lillian Stokes. Useful for presentations to schools or workshops. Covers all three species; habitat; choosing the right bluebird nestbox; monitoring; dealing with competitors and predators; starting a bluebird trail; the importance of keeping records and research; etc.
- Bluebirds Inside the Nestbox, by the North Carolina Bluebird Society. From actual nestbox cam footage. Interesting, fun for children (not much explanatory dialog.) May be purchased online directly from The North Carolina Bluebird Society as a VHS tape or a DVD for $13.85, including shipping; quantity discounts are available. 15 minutes.
- Bluebirds Up Close, by Nature Science Network, Inc. 1990. Photography and sound recordings; tips on building, placing, and maintaining nestboxes; and guarding against predators, feeders, etc. Some mediocre footage. All ages except very young. 50 minutes. Available used from null: Bluebirds Up Close Nature Science Network/Audubon Society, 108 High Street, Carraboro NC 27510.
- Bluebird Trails: How to Start and Maintain a Bluebird Trail. 1989. Steps in managing a bluebird trail, practical tips on how to deal with problems such as predators and competitors. Birdseye View Productions. 37 minutes.
- Bluebirds in the Suburbs by DG Pearse. $24 (includes shipping). Lengthy, no narrative or music, only the sounds inside the nestbox, with a guidebook of explanations. DG Pearse, 4497 Woodstream Drive Columbus, OH 43230-5128 (614) 478 5004
- Jewels of Blue: the Story of the Eastern Bluebird. 1988. Courtship, nesting, and care of young, story of bluebird conservation. Birdseye View Productions, 1761 Country Road H, Deer Park, Wisconsin 54007 (715) 248-7459. 30 minutes.
- A Sam’s Guide to Bluebirds. DVD+CD. Guide to managing bluebird house or trail, with species profiles, selecting a bluebird box, mounting and predator control, care and management, making your own bluebird box, photos and video of each species, plus 35 minute video by Helen Johnson on Mountain Bluebirds. Retail 24.95 Available to TBS members and Anything Bluebirds.
Also see DIY plans and my idea of the ideal feeder. Most wire cage feeders do not have a true 1.5″ opening! – see Bluebird Nut instructions for modifying.
- Birds-I-View – by Steve Garr, large flat roof and interior (9.25×9.5″), wire sides, velcro-ed dish that allows sifting out of mealworm bedding. Also sell a plexiglas sided feeder with roof and floor made of recycled plastic. Both are starling-proof.
- Bluebird Nut – vinyl coated wire cages with removable cups, roof, designed for bluebirds (mealworms or suet), fast shipping. Starling proof, Mockingbird resistant. Designed to hang. Also Van Ert Luring Feeder.
- – Cage within a cage wire feeder with roof and floor. Good for suet cakes, easy to refill (roof lifts). Mealworms will escape. Pricey.
- Nestbox Builder – Fred Stille makes the mealworm feeder designed by Steve Gilbertson. He also makes HIGH QUALITY nestboxes.
- Wild Birds Forever – including Droll Yankee X-1 “seed-saver” feeder (not starling proof)
- Wildlife Habitat Store
NESTBOX SUPPLIERS – also see DIY links
I try to only list NABS approved boxes here. See info on nestbox styles pros and cons. NOTE THAT BOXES THAT DO NOT OPEN FOR MONITORING ARE NOT RECOMMENDED!
BTW, I LOVE this solution for nestbox pole mounting: Erva TWIST – In Ground Socket for 1-Inch Poles Twist – pricey but easy.
Check first with a state or local bluebird society. Wildlife-related non-profit organizations may offer basic NABS-style boxes as low as the $5-8 to $25 price range. Some organizations may also offer volume discounts. Sales from bluebird societies help bluebirds!!!
- Ahlgren Construction Company – Original Peterson style. Sadly, Dave Ahlgren passed away in 2007 and his boxes are no longer available. However, see info below on his neighbor, Bill Moore, who now makes Peterson boxes.
- Andrew Troyer’s: The Bird’s Paradise, 20835 Morris Road, Conneautville, PA 16406
(800) 872-0103 - Backyard Bird Lover: Gilbertson nestbox
(made by Merlin Lehman 574-825-8739 then #1, sold through Amazon)
- Best Nest – search for “Rubicon” to see boxes made of recycled plastic – supposedly will last 100 years.
- Birdhouse Chick – in Georgia. Bluebird houses, feeders, and bird baths, leaf misters. Also live worms limited to certain areas. Overnight shipping for $9.95 for some areas. Note: Boxes that do not open for monitoring are NOT recommended by NABS.
- Birding Depot – note: sells open top “Bauldry” boxes no longer recommended by NABS.
- Birds-I-View: small business also has gifts, great little chickadee boxes.
- Bluebird Nut – Audubon, Rubicon, Coveside, Gilbertson, Gilwood, etc.
- Bluebird Housing – rustic log houses with removable roofs
- Bluebirds Across Nebraska – very reasonably priced, well made modified Gilbertson and Troyer boxes. Great quality, reasonably priced Gilwood box with a neat rubber hinge at the bottom of the door.
- Joe Finn Boxes: boxes with ventilation, predator protection and sparrow traps, etc. (617) 876-9168
- Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania – very reasonable prices and sales help bluebirds. They sell Troyer and Gilbertson boxes. I have gotten starlings in their Troyer, and found it hard to set VanErt traps in them.
- Forschner bit – source of 1 9/16″ for making larger entrance holes on your own boxes.
- Gilbertson (and traps): Steve Gibertson no longer manufactures bluebird products. You can buy a Gilbertson PVC box sometimes at Amazon: buy Gilbertson PVC or get them from BRAW.
- Homes for Bluebirds, Inc. Nice looking boxes by Jack Finch. Fax/mail in order (can’t order online.) Comes with metal hole guard. Made of solid wood; roof covered with aluminuml for durability.
- Kentucky Four Seasons Bluebird Nestboxes – Bill Freels, (270) 443-7985, w.freels”at”, cooperating wtih Jackson Purchase Audubon Society. Profits donated to Jackon Purchase. $20.00. Solid construction, innovative bowed fiberglass roof, adjustable plexiglass vent covers.
- Ned’s Nesting Boxes – handbuilt by a charter member of the Missouri Bluebird Society – nice quality, screws, large overhanging roofs, kerfs, comes with information sheet. Gilbertson boxes also available. 630.269.8267
- Nestbox Builder – Fred Stille makes HIGH QUALITY standard NABS style boxes, X-boxes and a Gilwoods, and custom designs.
- New York Bluebird Society – click on “for sale” link. Herman Bressler white pine bluebird nestbox (slightly larger than standard NABS box), oval or round hole.
- North American Bluebird Society – not currently selling boxes. See other local bluebird societies listed here.
- Peterson boxes: Bill Moore [email protected] (612) 280-8655; cell (651) 439-6158; address 12990 Otchipwe Ave North Stillwater MN 55082. He makes boxes like Dave Ahlgren (his neighbor) did, but with the rough edges smoothed down.
- The Woodpecker – Gregory Seaford, 5380 Goodman Lake Rd, Salisbury, NC 28146, (704) 636-6238, ghseaford”at” (replace “@” with “at”). Southern yellow pine NABS style boxes. Nice to deal with, fast shipment (no hidden charges), willing to work with you want, will paint/stain. Also available on e-Bay.
- Southern California Bluebird Club – hanging boxes $15 plus shipping and Purvis lifters
- Troyer boxes – great price from Bluebirds Across Nebraska. These boxes are not preferred by House Sparrows.
- Whitehorse: Really well-made white cedar nestboxes with metal hole guard, double roof, kerfs – the whole shebang! I’m currently testing two of these. They meet all NABS design criteria and then some.
- Wild Bird Habitat Store
- Wild Birds Unlimited – also offers pole with brace
- Wild Wing Co.: various nestboxes and live traps
- Woodstock CT: Teri Stohlberg, 860-481-9003, Audubon Society standard with hole guard and 1.5″ round hole, only $5.00 each.
NESTBOX CAMS – see my set-up
- Birding Depot – Birdhouse Spy Cams under birdhouse accessories
- The BirdShed.Com – Birdhouse Spy Cams, cable, computer connection, etc. 110% low price guarantee, but shipping on my first order was not fast, regular price on Hawkeye is not the lowest out there
- – weatherproof security camera with night vision
- Sams Club – Wisecom Color Infrared – cheap
- Shaw Creek Bird Supply – color and black and white cams, also pre-installed in nestboxes.
- Spyonabird used to sell solar/battery set ups, pre-installed in a box, but they closed in 2018.
- Supercircuits – focus is on expensive security systems and wireless. Also have 110% low price guarantee. Website search function rots. Make sure you get an exterior cam.
- The Bluebird Nut – Hawkeye and Wingscapes
- TV Celeb-Birdies – Birdhouse Spy Cams
- Windy City Parrot – Night Owl Night Vision cameras and accessories
- Call Dave at (800) 764-8688. Decent set-up for less than $100 with a 50′ wire that supplies power and transmits the signal back to a TV or computer. May not be infrared. (This info is from a Bluebird_L post)
SPARROW SPOOKER – also see Make Your Own
- – ready made, adjustable, weather resistant. Additional mounts and rolls of mylar available.
- Mylar: You can use Happy Birthday signs available at card shops/party stores, or buy “bird scare tape” from places like or nursery supply houses.
- Sparrow Chaser made by Gene Wasserman, sold through the Michigan Bluebird Society. Easy to install – I am testing them now. Mounts on the back of the box/roof edge, uses bird scare tape that attaches to a wire circle above the roof.
- Sparrow Shield made by Gene Wasserman, sold through the Michigan Bluebird Society. Easy to install – I am testing them now. Mounts on the back of the box/roof edge, uses thick flourescent wire. Intended to function like a Magic Halo, which was developed to keep HOSP away from bird feeders.
SUET – also see recipes (in my experience, birds prefer homemade over commercial products)
- Avian Cuisine is a commercially available formulated wild bird diet. It is available as crumbles, logs, and blocks in three flavors. I have not tried it, but Felicia Lovelett of the MD Bluebird Society recommended it.
See more extensive list of suppliers under HOSP Management. See Trap Review by Paula Z.
NESTBOX (Inbox) TRAPS (Also see DIY links) – see reviews
- Bauldry Trap – sources?
- Bolt Trap: Order directly from Mel Bolt (Traps) at 1515 Crosswind Ct. Wooster, OH 44691. You can email him for information at mellen”at” (replace “at” with @).
- Gilbertson Trap – BackyardBirdlover or PCMA
- Homes for Bluebirds – Jack Finch
- Peterson Trap – Ahlgren Construction Company 12989 Otchipwe Ave. N Stillwater, MN 55082 (651)430-0031
- PMCA Insert Trap – Huber style, does NOT fit in all style nestboxes
- Purple Martin house insert traps – other styles
- Van Ert Traps – Floyd Van Ert – universal, PVC, urban (nestbox with trap installed). My favorite insert trap.
GROUND TRAPS – see reviews before buying!
- Bird-B-Gone repeating trap – I have not tested this one.
- Brad Biddle’s trap with no moving parts. Nicely constructed, large door. Contact: yard1man”at” NO LONGER MADE.
- Cedar Valley Ground Trap is no longer available – Afton Cedar Works (run by Phil Leuthe) is closed.
- Deluxe Repeating Sparrow Trap (DRST) by Blaine Johnson. Elevator trap, practically escape-proof. My personal favorite. $59.95 plus shipping based on location.
- Bruce Jenkins trap. Formerly sold on eBay – no longer available?
- Kness funnel trap – retails for about $60.
- ST-1 – Purple Martin Conservation Association
- PMCA Repeating Bait Trap – Purple Martin Conservation Association
- Wire Sparrow Trap – Purple Martin Conservation Association
- Troyer V-Top Trap Plans
- I don’t know of any current suppliers of the Bird Control Sparrow Repeller: Sparrow Free Magic Halo Repeller. Bird-X used to make them, and Wild Bird Habitat stores and Amazon carried them, but nobody seems to have them anymore. You would have to make your own – see
HOLE REDUCERS/GUARDS – see photos and info
(“Squirrel Tooth Benders” are not a trap. To prevent HOSP entry, use smaller than 1.25″)
DIY solution: put metal tacks around edge of hole.
- The Bird Watcher’s General Store (under “birdhouses”)
- Bluebird Nut – also carries Peterson oval hole guards.
- – (Nature House) round, metal
- Call Wild Bird Crossing at 508 347-BIRD
- Wild Bird Habitat Store
- Wild Birds Unlimited (request reduced price for bulk order) – doesn’t appear to be available through their website
- 1.5″ sizes from:
- A Bird’s Home
- Anything Bluebirds
- Homes for Bluebirds (copper)
Also see instructions on how to make your own.
- Bluebird Nut – Lonestar and Nature House stovepipe style pole guards
- Best Nest – various, including cone baffle for a wooden post mount
- Wild Bird Habitat Store
ANT DETERRENT (Tree Tanglefoot Pest/Insect Barrier)
- Forestry Suppliers, Inc. 1-800-647-5368, Tree Tanglefoot Pest Barrier Item # 79099 Quantity: 5 pound tub (a small plastic bucket) Cost: $24.95 plus shipping.
- Snow Pond Farm Supply (under Traps & Lures or Animal Control)
- Biocontrol Network (under Products, Traps & Lures, arrow down to name)
- Food grade diatomaceous earth – buy at a garden or feed/farm store.
MEALWORM SUPPLIERS (also see How to Raise Your Own)
Order 5 days ahead of when you need them. In a pinch, you can buy small quantities of mealworms from a local pet or bait store, but prices will be much higher. Do select a supplier that offers a live delivery guarantee. The distance they have to ship may affect the price and survival. Shipping is expensive – sometimes more than the worms, so buy larger quantities instead of multiple shipments. I DO NOT RECOMMEND FEEDING DRIED MEALWORMS.
- Birdhouse Chick – in Georgia. Live worms limited to certain areas. overnight shipping for $9.95 for some areas.
- Camille’s Vita-Mealies: (828) 260-2356. Small business located in NC, mealworms fed organic wheat bran, soy protein, oyster shells (for calcium) and Hawaiian spirulina. No hormones, 3/4″-1″ long. Shipped with a small bag of feed, and ice/heat packs as needed.
- Very pricey, but shipping is free and they offer discounts for some bluebird society members. I tried them – shipping was fast, and they were very plump and healthy, and providing nutritious feed was a bonus.
- Ebay: Various sellers, look for live guarantee, free shipping, organic, grown in U.S.
- Flukers – (800) 735-8537. Annoying email subscription checked off box on every page – you need to keep unchecking it. Shipping is more expensive than the worms for up to 5,000.
- Ghann’s Cricket Farm, Inc. (800) GROBAIT (800) 476-2248
- GRUBCO phone or fax (800) 222-3563 (Ohio) – get at least medium size. Shipped in a box with a muslin bag with crumpled newspaper. Do not offer a live guarantee in summer months.
- I’ve had good luck with them.
- NABS does not sell mealorms, but they may offer discounst for NABS members – e.g., for purchases from Sunshine and Natures Way
- Phat Jack Farms, TX. Packaged in screened box with paper. At least 10% overage to cover any dead/pupated worms. Live Guarantee on all orders. No hormones, mealworms are grown on wheat bran and potatoes/carrots, wax worms in wheat bran, glycerin and honey.
- Rainbow Mealworms (800) 777-9676. Located in Compton, CA. My experience: generous quantity of healthy worms shipped in a muslin bag inside a box with holes.
- Reptile Food – Shipped in a box with screens on the side, and egg cartons inside (vs. newspaper.)
- Nice worms, fast shipping, but their shipping cost is getting high.
- Songbird Gardens – 417-538-2990 8-5 CST or Email to have someone contact you. More expensive than some. Live guarantee available.
- Sunshine Mealworms (800) 322-1100 – go for the large. Ask for 10% discount for bluebird trail. 15% discount for NABS members (5,000 limit, individuals only).
- Natures Way (800) 318-2611. 15% discount for NABS members (5,000 limit, individuals only)
- The Critter Depot – [email protected], 484-961-0334, located in East Prospect, PA, mealworms at
- Worm Man’s Worm Farm (732) 656-0369 – see complaints online from 2006 – practices may have changed since then.
- ( sells mealworms but does not offer a live guarantee, so I have not listed them.)
- Audubon Workshop sells “Bird Grub” which is actually dehydrated caterpillars.
You might also want to check local feed/farm supply stores for heaters.
- Backyard Birds & Discovery Center
- Bluebird Nut
- Wildlife Habitat Store
WINDOW CLINGS (Decals – see tips on preventing window strikes)
- You may be able to find inexpensive window clings at a local dollar store or hardware store.
- Birding Depot under birdhouse accessories
- CollidEscape (film covering that lets light through – now available for homeowners. A portion of proceeds donated to FLAP) See review.
- Droll Yankee (spider webs)
- Feather Guard (6 feet long with 5 colorful feathers, attached to glass with 2 suction cups) – don’t know a current retailer.
- WindowAlert – decals that reflect ultraviolet light. Birds can see the decals but humans can’t. Attach via static cling to outside of window. Replace every 1-2 years as UV coating fades.
- Wildlife Habitat Store
GIFTS (most from Bluebirding Listserv posts)
Of course a bird bath, or nestbox with a good basic bluebird book also make excellent presents. Also see a list of nature-related gift suggestions.
- Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
Disney’s Sing-A-Long Songs
- Animal Den – labels, ornaments, coasters, flags, jewely, plush toy, puppets, sign, clothing, etc.
- Bank Checks – Backyard Birds (also address labels) at
- Birds-I-View: small business owned by bluebirders with a lovely selection of gifts
- Bluebird finger puppet Folkmanis Mini Bluebird Finger Puppet
- Bluebird Key Chain – Wild Republic Eastern Bluebird Plush Clip, Stuffed Animal, Bird Toys for Kids, Birders, 4″
- Bluebird Nut – jewelry, home decor, Mad Bluebird items, prints, cards, calendars, collectibles, etc. Bluebird Gift Shop – clothing, pictures, calendars, cards
- Books – bluebirds, general birding, children’s bluebird books
- Bookmark – bluebird notecards. Bookmark, P.O.Box 335, Delafield, WI 53018 (414) 646-4499
- Eastern Bluebird II, 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Made by Buffalo
Buffalo games – 500 piece puzzles
- Breezy Singer Eastern Bluebird – realistic looking lifesize plastic, motion detector triggers song
- Takara Tomy Bluebird Breezy Singers Outdoor Solar Powered (do not put outdoors as it may disturb nesting birds)
- Clock – “Identiflyer” alarm desk clock with various bird sounds (on song cards) including bluebird
- DEEP – (State of CT) – bluebird greeting cards in tin
- – patterns
- Flags with bluebirds on them – various styles and sizes available
- Glass bluebirds – hand-blown, Terra Studios
- Willow Tree Happiness – ornament or figurine by Susan Lourdi with bluebirds on shoulder (one of my personal favorites)
- Jim Rathert Photography – lovely mugs, mouse pads, coasters with original bird photography. 573.634.5446
- License plates with bluebirds on them –
- Michaelian Home – needlepoint pillow
- Miles Kimball – Mad Bluebird items, calendar, swinging bluebirds
- Nancy Bell of Gakona, Alaska – unique bluebird necklace. She does not have a website, but does have an email address: bell5″at” (replace “@” with “at”)
- National Wildlife Federation (search for “bluebird) – Mad Bluebird apparel, ornaments, lamps, flatware, lamp, dinnerware, vase, etc.
- Wild Republic Audubon Birds Eastern Bluebird Plush with Authentic Bird Sound, Stuffed Animal, Bird Toys for Kids and Birders
– Singing plush bluebird toy
- Wood Bird Online – lifesize, realistic basswood carving of bluebirds and other birds
Disclaimer: The author does not make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed on this website, or represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the author.
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see
Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long
– Irving Berlin, Blue Skies, 1927