AttractingPicture of the Week: Joe's Cafe

Picture of the Week: Joe’s Cafe

Fawzi Emad Feeder Design. Photo by Liz Cooksey

This homemade suet/mealworm feeder is based on a design by Fawzi Emad and Haleya Priest. See plans. It was made by Tom and Liz Cooksey’s woodworking neighbor Joe. He used scrap wood, and then it was stained and sealed. A plastic box lid protects the roof. Eye hooks prevent squirrels from opening the top (I also use a wobbling baffle to prevent squirrels from chewing up the wood when trying to get at suet.)

Photo of Emad style feeder by Tom Cooksey
This photo shows the mealworm/suet container inside the feeder. Photo by Tom Cooksey

Notice that it offers several entry options – over the Plexiglas, through the hole, or through the jail style sides. This pair prefers entering through the jail side, and occasionally go through the round hole. This feeder will exclude Starlings and Mockingbirds.

Liz said the only thing she’d change on the design would be to use real glass, as the Plexiglas has gotten pecked to the point where it is hard to see inside. She might also make the interior back wall a lighter color (maybe with a piece of light colored plastic?) to be able to see inside better as long as it would not discourage or harm the birds in any way.

This feeder is mounted on a flange. Bluebirds may prefer pole-mounted feeders to the less stabile, “swinging in the wind” set up.

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Previous Pictures of the Week: © Original photographs are copyrighted, and may not be used without the permission of the photographer. Please honor their copyright protection. If you would like to use a photo for educational purposes, you can contact me.

Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


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