Environmentally Responsible Planting for Bluebirds and Other Birds

QUICK TIPS: Plant native plants adapted to your climate from the list below that produce berries favored by bluebirds, especially some that will retain fruit through the fall and winter when insects are scarce. Best bets are flowering dogwood, foster holly, eastern red cedar, and american elderberry.
Bluebirds rarely eat birdseed (although they will occasionally take shelled sunflowerchips). 68% of their diet is made up of insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, spiders, and caterpillars. They enjoy mealworms. They may eat suet (see recipes), especially during winter months. They also like the fruit of plants such as flowering dogwood, eastern red cedar, holly, and pokeweed. (Bluebirds will swallow dogwood berries whole and then regurgitate the pits.) They may eat fruit in winter (when it may make up 50% of their diet), fall, and summer; and also in the spring, especially if insects are scarce.
Of course, plants offer other benefits. Evergreens offer year-round cover, refuge from predators and bad weather, and a safe place to roost at night. Trees purify the air. Plants may provide shelter/cover for wildlife. And the plants listed here may attract other animals, birds and insects as well–e.g., the fruit of the Pagoda Dogwood is eaten by at least 34 bird species, including the Downy Woodpecker, Brown Thrasher, Wood Thrush, Eastern Bluebird, and Cedar Waxwing.

If you would like to attract bluebirds to your area and help supplement their diet, especially during lean winter months, you can plant the following berry-producing shrubs, trees and vines.
BEST BESTS: Flowering dogwood, foster holly, eastern red cedar, and american elderberry. Bluebirds have been confirmed to eat, and prefer the fruit from these plants. Some of the others listed below have not been confirmed (but are listed in many sources), or may be last resorts.
Before selecting plants, consider the following:
- Check with a local nursery or County Extension Service (especially if they have a Master Gardener), or look in a garden book to see if the plants will do well in your area and conditions. For example, in northeastern Connecticut, only plants rated for Zone 6 and lower will thrive. Refer to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to see what zone you live in. (Zones were recently updated to reflect climate change.)
- Avoid invasive plants. Yes, bluebirds will eat the fruit of some of these exotic plants. In fact, one of the reasons their populations have exploded is because birds eat the fruit and then disperse the seeds when they defecate. But these alien plants can cause serious ecological harm, taking over whole habitats and choking out native species. Nationwide, three million acres are lost each year to invasive plants. In general, introduced plants are likely to invade or become noxious because they lack co-evolved competitors and natural enemies to control their populations. Go with native plants whenever possible–they are more likely to thrive in your area anyway. (An exception would be poison ivy for obvious reasons.)
Again, even though bluebirds may eat their fruit, the following non-native plants are invasive in some/all areas. If you are committed to responsible conservation, avoid these plants, and work to eradicate them if they are on your property. I’ve listed them in the table below also. Also be sure to get the correct SPECIES – for example native American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) is not invasive but Asian/Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) is extremely invasive.
- Autumn Olive – see Elaeagnus
- Barberry, especially Japanese (Berberis thunbergii), also European (Berberis vulgaris)
- Bradford/Callery Pear – Pyrus calleryana – recent cultivars bred to reduce splitting are not sterile and are invading distrubed areas in the eastern U.S.
- Cherry Silverberry – – see Elaeagnus
- Chinaberry/Umbrella Tree/Persian Lilac (Melia azedarach L.)
- Chinese Tallow Tree (Sapium sebiferum or Triadica sebifera)
- Common Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) and Japanese (L. japonicum)
- Cotoneasters – some like Franchet (Cotoneaster franchetti) and silverleaf (Cotoneaster pannosa)
- Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium spp.)
- Elaeagnus: Russian Olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), Autumn Olive (E. umbellata), Cherry Silverberry (E. multiflora), Thorny Elaeagnus (E. pungens)
- English or Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
- English Ivy (Hedera helix)
- Honeysuckles (11 species listed in some states) especially Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), also Tatarian Honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica)
- Leatherlef Mahonia (Mahoni bealei)
Morrow Honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii) and their hybrids- Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora Thunbergi)
- Porcelain Berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim)
- Russian Olive – see Elaeagnus
- Oriental/Asiatic Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) – bright orange berries along the length of stems – American Bittersweet is not invasive
- Thorny Elaegnus see Elaeagnus
- White (wild) mulberry (Morus alba) – white berries
- Consider cultivars that may be hardier (e.g., disease-resistant), more attractive, and produce more fruit. For example, ‘Apple Serviceberry’ is a hybrid that produces larger leaves (with brilliant fall color), flowers and fruit than either of its parents.
- Consider the plant’s other qualities: How big will it get? What kind of soil and sunlight does it need? Does it transplant well? Does it need to be watered? Is the fruit toxic to humans/pets (e.g., pokeweed, poison ivy)? Is it susceptible to diseases common in your area? Will it make a mess (e.g., serviceberry drops twigs, fruit from pokeberry can leave stains)? What time of year does it produce fruit? (It is best to have food sources that span seasons, so plant a variety.)
- For plants that are dioecious (separate male and female plants), make sure you have at least one of each, or the female will not bear fruit.
- The fruit of the plants listed may vary in nutritional value. Look at when they produce fruit, and how long the fruit persists. For example, blackberry plants will not provide winter food for birds, whereas Eastern Red Cedar and holly will.
- Some fruits (like Holly) may look ripe, but cold weather (one or more freeze thaw cycles) is needed to convert the starches to sugars.
Note: I am looking for confirmation – if you have witnessed bluebirds eating berries from a plant listed below with a “?” after it, please contact me. Plants highlighted in yellow (with an “#” after the common name are considered invasive in some/all areas and should never be planted.
This website focuses on Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis). See below for plants that Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) may favor. Western Bluebirds are still in decline, so these natural, native food sources are particularly critical.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Type, Fruiting Season | Hardi-ness Zone |
Con-firmed |
American Highbush Cranberry | See Viburnum trilobum | |||
Ampelopsis, Heartleaf | Ampelopsis cordata | Vine. Fall. Looks like grape vine. | 5 | ? |
Autumn Olive# | Elaeagnus umbellata | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Barberry, Japanese or European/Common# | Japanese (Berberis thunbergii), European (Berberis vulgaris) | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Bayberry | Myrica pennsylvanica | Shrub, fall/winter. Tolerates poor dry soils. Need female. | 3-6 | Y, Preferred |
Bayberry, Northern | Myrica carolinensis | Shrub, fall/winter. Tolerates poor dry soils. Need female. | 3-6 | ? |
Beautyberry, American Beauty Bush | Callicarpa americana | Shrub, fall/winter. Lots of purple berries, nice in flower arrangements. Moist soil. | 5/6-10 | Y |
Bittersweet, American | Celastrus scandens | Vine, fall, winter. Doesn’t like wet soil. ORIENTAL bittersweet is extremely invasive. | 3-8 | Y |
Oriental/Asiatic Bittersweet# | Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. | INVASIVE. AVOID! Bright orange berries along the length of stems | ||
Blackberry, Dewberry, Raspberry | Rubus sp. | Shrub, summer/fall. Spreading. Full sun. | 5-9 | Y for raspberry |
Blackhaw | Viburnum prunifolium | Shrub, winter. Showy flowers. Drought tolerant. | 3-9 | ? |
Black Currant, American/Wild | Ribes americanum | Shrub. summer/fall. Hosts white pine disease. | 5 | ? |
Black Tupelo/Black Gum/Sour Gum | Nyssa sylvatica | Tree, summer/autumn. Moist well drained soil. | 4 | Y |
Blueberry, Highbush and sp. | Vaccinum corymbosum and sp. | Shrub, summer. Acidic soil. | 4 | Y |
Bradford Pear (also called Callery pear) | Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ | SOME ARE INVASIVE. AVOID! – Tree – short-lived (15-25 yrs.) May not survive storms – branches break off – trim suckers. Different varieties produce fruit at different times. Recent non-sterile cultivars are invading eastern U.S. | Y | |
Buckthorn, Carolina | Rhamnus caroliniana | Tree, summer/fall | ? | |
Buckthorn, Cascara | Rhamnus purshiana | Tree, summer/fall | ? | |
Camphor tree | Cinnamomum camphora | Y | ||
Carolina Snailseed | Cocculus carolinus | Y | ||
Cascara (seeds) | Rhammus purshiana | Y | ||
Cat Claw | Uncaria tomentosa? Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) ? | Vine. Not native, reported as invasive in FL | ? | |
Cedar, Eastern Red | Juniperus virginiania | Tree, fall and winter. Prefers moist soil, full sun. Dioecious. Offers year round cover. | 2-9 | Preferred |
Cedar, Rocky Mountain | Juniperus scopulorum | Tree, fall and winter. Offers year round cover. INVASIVE in HI and OR | 2 | ? |
Cherry, Bitter | Prunus emarginata | Tree/shrub. Full sun-part shade. | 6a-9b | ? |
Cherry, Black | Prunus serotina | Tree, summer/fall. Best in moist soil, full sun. | 3-9 | Y |
Cherry, Pin/Wild Red |
Prunus pennsylvanica |
Tree, summer/fall | 3-7 | Y? |
Cherry or English Laurel# | Prunus laurocerasus | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Chinaberry/Umbrella Tree/Persian Lilac# | Melia azedarach L. | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Chinese Tallow Tree# | Sapium sebiferum or Triadica sebifera | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Chokeberry, red | Aronia arbutifolia | Shrub, fall/winter. ‘Brilliantissima’ produces fruit that persists till spring. Fragrant flowers. Prefers moist soil. Tough. | 3-9 | Y |
Chokecherry, Black/Common | Prunus virginiana | Shrub/Tree, summer/autumn. Adaptable. | 2-7 | Y |
Cotoneaster, Franchet or Silverleaf# | Franchet (Cotoneaster franchetti) and Silverleaf (C.pannosa) | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Crabapple, European | Malus (sylvestris?) Molten Lava confirmed | Tree, summer/fall. Non-native. Siberian (M. baccata) may be invasive. | Y | |
Cranberry, Highbush | see Virburnum trilobum | |||
Currant – see Red Currant | ||||
Dahoon | Ilex cassine | Y | ||
Dates | Phoenix dactylifera | Y | ||
Dock | Rumex spp. | Y | ||
Dogwood, Alternate-leaf/Pagoda | Cornus alternifolia | Tree, summer/fall. Elegant, resists anthracnose. Moist-wet soils. | 3-7 | Y? |
Dogwood, Flowering | Cornus florida | Tree, summer, autumn, winter. Lovely flowers and branches. | 5a-8b | Preferred |
Dogwood, Gray | Cornus racemosa | Shrub (thicket). Fall/winter. White fruit, showy stem. Moist-dry soils. | 4a-8b | Y? |
Dogwood, Kousa | Cornus kousa | Tree, summer/fall. Prefers partial shade. | 4-8 | Y |
Dogwood, Pacific | Cornus nuttallii | Tree | ? | |
Dogwood, Red Osier | Cornus stolonifera | Shrub/tree, summer/fall. Fast growing. Red twigs. Moist soil. | 2-7 | Y |
Dogwood, Rough Leaf | Cornus Drummondii | Tree, small. Early summer fruit. Sun/partial shade | Y | |
Dogwood, Silky | Cornus amomum | Shrub. Blue fruit. Prefers moist soil. | 4-8 | ? |
Elderberry, American or Common | Sambucus canadensis | Shrub (thicket)/tree, summer/fall. (Flat rounded blossom). Purple/blue fruit ripens in Sept. Moist soil. | 3-9 | Preferred |
Elderberry, Red | Sambucus racemosa | Shrub, (Cone-shaped blossom). Bright red berries ripen June-July. Moist soil. | (3?)4-7 | ? |
English Ivy# | Hedera helix | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Figs | Ficus spp. | Y | ||
Giant Palms | ? | Dates | Y | |
Grapes, Wild (Winter or Muscadine), Thompson Seedless Table Grapes, Concord, Delaware | Vitis sp. (Winter is vitis vulpina). V. vinifera INVASIVE in CA and WA | Vine, summer, fall, winter. Delaware: Delaware grapes are smaller with more tender skin and may be favored. | Y, Small or as raisins | |
Hackberry, Common | Celtis occidentalis | Tree, winter. Likes full sun. | 2-9 | Y, Preferred |
Hackberry, Dwarf | Celtis tenuifolia | Not reliably hardy in North Jersey. Low water requirement. | 5 | Y, Preferred |
Hawthorne, Mahaw | Crataegus opaca | Tree, small. Spring fruit. Full/partial shade | ? | |
Hawthorne, Washington | Crataegus phaenopyrum | Tree, fall/winter. Thorns. Likes full sun. | 3-8 | ? |
Hercules Club | Aralia spinosa | Thicket forming. Summer, fall | 4? 6? | ? |
Highbush Blueberry | Vaccinium corymbosum | Shrub, fall. Moist soil. | 3-7 | Y |
Holly, American | Ilex opaca | Shrub; Tree in South. Winter. Need one male for every 3 females. Protect from winter winds. | 5-9 | Y |
Holly, Blue Boy and Blue Girl | Ilex x meserveae | Shrub. Winter. Hardiest of hollies, with glossy blue-green leaves. Need male and female. | to 5 | Y |
Holly, Deciduous | Ilex decidua | Tree. Fall, winter. Need male and female | 7 | ? |
Holly, Foster | Ilex x attenuata ‘Fosteri’ | Shrub/Tree. Best fruiting in full sun. Produces berries consistently, long lived, attractive,holds many of berries all winter and late in spring. Non-native. | 6-9 | Y |
Holly, Yaupon | Ilex vomitoria | Shrub/Tree. Drought tolerant. | 7a-10b | Y? |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera sp. e.g., Rem Red – Lonicera maackii ‘rem red’ | Shrub. Avoid invasives such as Japanese. Maackii considered invasive by some. | ? | |
Honeysuckle, Japanese and Tatarian# | Japanese (Lonicera japonica), Tatarian (L. tatarica), Morrow (L. morrowii) | 11 species listed as INVASIVE in certain states. AVOID! | ||
Huckleberry, Red? Evergreen? | Vaccinium parvifolium? | Shrub | 5a-8b | Y? |
Huckleberry, Black | Gaylussacia baccata | Shrub, summer. Sandy acidic soil. | 2 | Y? |
Inkberry | Ilex glabra | Shrub (thicket), fall/winter. Acidic soil. | 4-9 | ? |
Juniper, California | Juniperus californica | Shrub/tree. Drought tolerant. | 8a-10b | ? |
Juniper, Common | Juniperus communis | Shrub, Winter | 2-7 | ? |
Juniper, One-seed | Juniperus monosperma | Tree. Full sun. Drought tolerant | 3a-7b | ? |
Juniper, Rocky Mountain | Juniperus scopulorum | Shrub/Tree, winter | 3a-8b | ? |
Juniper, Utah | Juniperus osteosperma | ? | ||
Juniper, Western | Juniperus occidentalis | ? | ||
Lantana sp? (over 100 species?) | Species? Not all Lantana plants produce berries. | Shrub with purple berries. The berries can be toxic to cattle and other stock?, but are not toxic to birds. | Y | |
Madrone | Arbutus menziesii | Tree, fall/winter | 7-9 | ? |
Magnolia, Southern | Y | |||
Mahonia, Leatherleaf | Mahonia bealei | Evergreen shrub. Blue fruit in summer. Can be weedy and INVASIVE in SE- AVOID | 6a-9b | Y |
Mistletoe | Phoradendron sp. including P. coryae (oak mistletoe) M. falvescensPhoradendron serotinum? Viscacae? |
Shrub, fall, winter. Native, non-invasive. At least 57 plants have “mistletoe” in their name, not sure which kind bluebirds eat other than Oak Mistletoe. | 6 | Y |
Mistletoe, dwarf# | Arceuthobium spp. | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ? | |
Moonseed | Menispermum canadense | Vine, winter. Fast growing. Moist shady areas | 3 | ? |
Mountain ash, American | Sorbus americana | Tree, fall, winter. Bright orange fruit. | 3 | Y? |
Mountain Ash, European# | Sorbus aucuparia | Tree, summer/autumn. Moist well-drained soils, full sun. Does not do well in South. Non-native – INVASIVE in some states – Avoid. | 3-6 | ? |
Mountain Ash, Sitka | Sorbus sitchensis | Shrub/small tree. Likes sun. Good fall color. | 4-8 | ? |
Mulberry, Black | Morus nigra L. | Tree/shrub. Non-native. | Y. Last resort? | |
Mulberry, Red | Morus rubra | Tree, summer/autumn. Adaptable. Some require male + female to fruit. | 5-9 | Y, Preferred |
Mulberry, White or Wild# | Morus alba | INVASIVE. AVOID! White berries. | ||
Multiflora Rose# | Rosa multiflora Thunbergi | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Nannyberry | Viburnum lentago | Shrub (30′), fall, winter. Fast growing, shade tolerant. | 2-8 | Y |
Nightshade | Solanum spp. | Y | ||
Pear, Aristocrat (also see Bradford) | Pyrus calleryana | Tree. Full sun. Less susceptible to branch breakage. Good fall color. | 5 | Y |
Persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | Tree. Fall/winter. Need female. (Not really a berry) | Y? | |
Pokeweed, Common (pokeberry, pokeroot, inkberry) | Phytolacca americana | Considered a weed. Perennial. | 3 | Preferred |
Possum Haw/Decidious Holly | Ilex decidua | Shrub. Copious red fruit. Dioecious. Prefers moist soil. Eaten by bluebirds after several freeze-thaw cycles. | 5-9 | ? |
Porcelain Berry, Amur Peppervine# | Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim?) | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Privet, Common# | Ligustrum vulgare | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Pyracantha/Scarlet Firethorn | Pyracantha coccinea | Non-native. INVASIVE in OR. Full sun for best fruiting. Thorns. | 6-9 | Y, Last resort |
Redbay Persea | Persea borbonia | Y | ||
Red Currant (Swamp?) | Ribes triste | Native. Shrub, bright red berry, sun to partial shade. Ribes L. (gooseberry, currant) considered invasive in some states, noxious in others probably because it is part of the White Pine Blister Rust life cycle. | 2 | Y (may eat dried) |
Red Tip Photinia | Photinia fraseri | Non-native. Shrub, evergreen. Attractive foliage, showy flowers. Susceptible to fungal disease. | 6-9 | Y |
Rose, pasture | Rosa carolina | Shrub. Fall/winter. Long lasting fruit | 5 | ? |
Russian Olive# | Elaeagnus angustifolia | INVASIVE. AVOID! | ||
Sassafras, White | Sassafras albidum | Tree. Summer, fall. Dioecious. | 4-9 | Y, Preferred |
Saw Greenbrier | Smilax bona-nox | Shrub/Vine, summer/fall. Nice fall color. (Greenbrier – Smilax L. – spreads quickly, briars are vicious, best for naturalized area.) | Y | |
Serviceberry/ Shadbush/ Juneberry / Shadblow | Amelanchier arborea (hybrid), A. canadensis. A. laevis? | Shrub, summer. Blueberry-like fruit. Adaptable and tough. Nice winter effect. | 4-9 | Y |
Smartweed | Polygonum spp. | Y | ||
Snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | Shrub, summer/fall | ? | |
Sugarberry/Hackberry | Celtis laevigata | Tree. Moist-wet soils. | 6-9 | Y |
Sumac, Dwarf /Winged | Rhus copallina | Shrub, Winter | ? | Y, Preferred |
Sumac, Smooth | Rhus glabra | Shrub (thicket), fall, winter. Fruits persist till spring. | 3-8/9 | Y, Preferred |
Sumac, Staghorn* | Rhus typhina | Shrub (thicket), winter. Fruits, altho not high in nutritional value, persist till spring and thus help sustain birds. Full sun, heat tolerant, nice fall foliage. | 4-8 | Y, Last resort |
Swamp rose | Rosa pulastris | ? | ||
Thimbleberry | Rubus parviflorus | Y | ||
Wax leaf ligustrum/Japanese Privet# | Ligustrum japonicum | INVASIVE. AVOID! | 9-10 | Y? |
Wax Myrtle | Myrica cerifera | Evergreen shrub, winter. Adaptable. Moist soils | 8a-9b | ? |
Winterberry, smooth | Ilex laevigata ??? | Tree, winter | ? | |
Winterberry | Ilex verticillata | Shrub. Fall, winter. Acidic, moist-wet soil. Need 1 male with females | 3-9 | Y |
Viburnum, Arrowwood | Virburnum dentatum | Shrub. Fall. Dry to medium wet soil. Hardy. | 3-8 | Y |
Viburnum, Cranberry | Viburnum trilobum | Shrub. Fall/winter. Bright red berries, attractive flower, nice fall foliage. Shade tolerant | 2 | ? |
Virginia Creeper | Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Vine, fall/winter. Nice fall color. Dry to average soil. Vigorous, hard to remove from buildings. | 3-9 | Y, Preferred |
* Bluebirds will also eat poison ivy (Rhus radicans), and poison oak (Toxidendron diversilobum) berries, which are white.
They do not appear to like Nandina domestic (Heavenly bamboo, non-native) – a juvenile was witnessed trying to spit the fruit out.
Once the skin is broken bluebirds will peck at and eat apples, pears, figs, bing, sweet and sour cherries, and all types of grapes. Bluebirds will also feed on hickory, walnuts, chestnuts, pecans, butternuts, pig nuts and other nuts when other birds, animals or cars crush the shells so that they can get to the meat.
Western Bluebirds may eat berries from the following ([c] = confirmed). Many of these plants are drought tolerant. The liquid in the berries from plants like the Lemonadeberry may be as important to Southwestern birds during hot summer months as high-calorie berries are to Eastern birds during the winter.
- Baja Bird Bush (Ornithostaphylos oppositifolia)
- Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
- Blackberries and raspberries (Rubus spp.) [c]
- California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera)- fibers also used for nesting material [c]
- California (Peruvian) Peppertree (Schinus molle) – hard pink berry. May be last resort food. Non-native. Need male and female. [c]
- Cascara (seeds) (Rhammus purshiana) [c]
- Chokecherries (Prunus virginiana) [c]
- Coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica)
- Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus)
- Currant (Ribes spp.) [c]
- Dock (Rumex spp.) [c]
- Dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium pusillum)
- Dwarf sumac (Rhus copallina) [c]
- Elderberry
- blackbead (Sambucus melanocarpa)
- Blue (Sambucus caerulea – dry areas) [c]
- Mexican (Sambucus mexicanus) [c]
- Pacific Red (Sambucus callicarpa)
- Figs (Ficus spp.) [c]
- Grapes (Vitus spp.) [c]
- Juniper (Juniperus) [c]
- Hollyleaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia)
- Lantana (Lantana sp.)
- Laurel sumac (Rhus laurina)
- Lemonadeberry (Rhus integrifolia) [c]
- Mistletoe spp., Oak (e.g., Phoradendron coryae) [c] – observed drinking water repeatedly during feeding by Bob Schmalzel in Tucson
- Nightshade (Solanum spp.) [c]
- Redberry (Rhamnus crocea and Rhamnus ilicifolia) [c]
- Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) [c]
- Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) [c]
- Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
- Pepper tree (Schinus molle) [c]
- Poison Oak (Rhus diversiloba) [c]
- Prunes and cherries (Prunus spp.) [c]
- Smartweed (Polygonus spp.) [c]
- Toyon/Christmas Berry (Heteromeles arbutifolia) [c]
- Wild Rose (Rosa woodsii)
In addition to the fruit sources, you can add native plants that support edible insects and caterpillars, such as Coffeeberry, California Aster, Ceanothus, Baja Fairy Duster and Sticky Monkeyflower.
- Invasive Plants (Sialis.org)
- High quality, interesting video of bluebirds hanging around a nestbox, hacking up hackberry seeds , iwishicouldfly.com
- Conservation Landscaping – tips from the National Audubon Society
- Dogwood berries – collecting, feeding, ordering (Finch Homes for Bluebirds). Fruits keep well for about a month when stored in a cool, dry place. By Jack Finch.
- Favorite Fruiting Trees for Wildlife – Little Tchefunct Wildlife Habitat
- Planting for Wildlife
- Native Plant Societies
- Enjoying Bluebirds More, The Bluebird Landlord’s Handbook, J. Zickefoose
- Bluebirds Across Nebraska – Berry-producing plants that attract bluebirds
- The Bluebird Monitor’s Guide, C. Berger, K. Kridler, J. Griggs
- Bluebirds Forever, C. Toops
- Invasive.org – Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health
- Index of Common Plant Names
- Plant Conservation Alliance list of invasive plants (by name, shows states)
- Stokes Bluebird Book, Donald and Lillian Stokes
- USDA Plants Database
- Southern plants to attract birds (Hummingbird Hill)
The goldenrod is yellow, The corn is turning brown, The trees in apple orchards With fruit are bending down.
~ Helen Hunt Jackson