This 8 minute, 30 second video shows a European Starling entering an active Purple Martin nest in 2006. The video is dark at times, but shows a fierce battle with Purple Martin adults. It was captured by Simon from
Simon indicated that, for the most part, the female is involved in the attack. The male entered the fray briefly, but left after a minute or two. Neither adult died in this case, although the starling sat on the female for almost 15 minutes. When round two started, the female was able to escape. The starling left the nest of its own volition 5-10 minutes later and did not return. Both adult purple martins eventually returned to the nest, although they were extremely wary.
In this video, the Starling only pokes around at the young, and does not injure them. The young “played dead” while the starling roams around. All eventually fledged. However, starlings will often peck young to death or throw them out of a nest.
The nest was in a SuperGourd with an unmodified round entrance. Obviously starlings (which are also cavity nesters) have no problem entering normal 2 – 2.5″ round holes (Note: starlings are NOT able to enter a 1.5″ or 1 9/16″ hole used for bluebird boxes.) Simon indicated the event prompted them to renovate all their housing with Starling Resistant Entrance Holes (SREH), tunnel entrances and porches which lowered the entrance holes. They posted that Starlings are able to penetrate some SREHs, but not if they are low against a porch. Since the modification, they have had no further problems with starlings.. Starlings are much taller than Purple Martin.
More Information:
- Starling Biology and nesting time frame,
- Photos of starling nest, eggs and young,
- Predator and Problem ID and Solutions,
- Chuck’s Purple Martin Page – Starling and House Sparrow Control
- House Sparrow Control,
- Nestcams,
- Nestbox guide (specifications for various species)
Video archives (Some are no longer live, sorry!)
- The Story of the Titmouse – Paul and Austin Murray
- Bluebird Food action – John Beaudette of Canada
- House Wren Attacking Eggs – Bet Zimmerman
- House Sparrow attacks another bird inside a nestbox – Tony Carita
- Hissing Titmouse – Bet Zimmerman
- Also see Nest Cam webpage (Sialis)
- House Wren attacks bluebird nestlings – Linda Moore
- Bumblebees in EABL nestbox – Bet Zimmerman
- Mouse House – Bet Zimmerman
- Flying Squirrel eating – Joe Chapuis,
- Starling Attacks Purple Martins – Simon of
- Flying Squirrel peeks out of nestbox – Bet Zimmerman
- Nuthatch Roosts in Gilwood Nestbox claimed by EABL – Bet Zimmerman
- Bluebird Lays an Egg – Bet Zimmerman (with captions)
- Helpers – Fledglings feeding nestlings – Kenn
- House Wren divebombs monitor – Jeff Hansen
- Oak Titmouse assists egg hatching – Sue Flynn, Oregon
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
– from “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” lyrics by E.Y. Harburg