Predator GuardsSnakes - Krueger Trap

Snakes – Krueger Trap

QUICK TIPS:  A mesh “Krueger Snake Trap” can prevent predation by snakes, but the snakes will die if not removed, and some snakes are protected by law.

Bluebirder Harry Krueger designed a snake trap that was very effective at stopping most snakes from accessing a nestbox mounted on a 1/2″ metal pole.  Figure 2 shows Keith Kridler’s favorite design. Krueger found that a snake that could defeat a sheet metal raccoon guard or four inch PVC pipe could be trapped with a mesh net just under the box (see Figure 3.)

However, it should be noted that snakes left in a mesh trap will die if not removed, and some snakes are protected by law.  See more information on Snakes as Nestbox Predators.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Sources and More Information:

There’s a snake lurking in the grass.
– Virgil


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