If you were directed here automatically, perhaps the page you were looking for is no longer available, or there was a typo in the address. Please see if you can find what you were looking for in the alphabetical listing of all articles below, OR look in the Topic Index (like you would find at the back of a book.)
- About the Webmaster (Bet Zimmerman Smith)
- Accuracy of Information on This Website
- Advice for New Bluebirders
- After Bluebird Nestlings Fledge, Where Do They Go?
- All About Bewick’s Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) (BEWR)
- All About Black-Capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) (BCCH)
- All About Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) (CACH)
- All About Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) (CARW)
- All About Cowbirds (Molothrus sp.)
- All About Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) (DOWO)
- All about Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) (EABL)
- All About Flycatchers – Great Crested and Ash-Throated (Myiarchus crinitus [GCFL] & cinerascens [ATFL)
- All About House Finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) (HOFI)
- All About House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) (HOSP) – biology
- All About House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) (HOWR)
- All About Juniper Titmice (Baeolophus ridgwayi) (JUTI)
- All About Lucy’s Warblers (Leiothlypis luciae) (LUWA)
- All About Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) (MOBL)
- All About Mountain Chickadees (Poecile gambeli) (MOCH)
- All About Prothonotary Warblers (Protonotaria citrea) (PROW)
- All About Red-breasted Nuthatches (Sitta Canadensis) (RBNU)
- All About Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) (EUST)
- All About the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) (ETSP)
- All About Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) (TRES)
- All About Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) (TUTI)
- All About Violet-green Swallows (Tachycineta thalassina) (VGSW)
- All about Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) (WEBL)
- All About White-breasted Nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis) (WBNU)
- Allofeeding: What it is, why birds feed each other
- Alpha Codes for Cavity Nesters
- Althea Rosina Sherman (1853 – 1943)
- Answers: Name 10 Things that are wrong with this nestbox
- Anting or Sunbathing
- Ants in Nestboxes
- Are HOSP “Evil” ?
- Are PVC nestboxes safe?
- Ash-Throated Flycatcher Nest, Eggs and Young – Photos
- Asynchronous Hatching in Tree Swallows
- Avian (Bird) Flu
- Bad Bluebird Photography
- Baffle Box by Dick Purvis
- Baffle for nestboxes (Predator Guard – Raccoons & Snakes)
- Banding Birds
- Bats in Bluebird nestboxes
- Bauldry Nestbox Not Recommended
- Bauldry Sparrow Trap
- Bergmann’s Rule
- Bewick’s Wren Nest, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Bibliography
- Bill-wiping
- Bird Guardian
- Bird’s Nest Parfait – a Short Story
- Birdality – Bluebird and other birds: Personality
- Birdbaths and Misters
- Birds that Lay Blue Eggs
- Birds, Nests & Eggs That May Show Up in Bluebird Nestboxes – Learn to Recognize
- Black-capped Chickadee Nest, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Blow flies in the Nestbox
- Blue Jays & Magpies
- Bluebird “Store” – A List of Retailers of Bluebird Supplies or Merchandise
- Bluebird Battle – Video
- Bluebird Battles – Photos
- Bluebird Growing Up Game
- Bluebird Habitat Game
- Bluebird History Quiz
- Bluebird History Quiz Answers
- Bluebird Hunting by Zuni People
- Bluebird License Plates
- Bluebird Migration
- Bluebird Monitor’s Group (BMG)
- Bluebird Nestling Day 1-21 Time Sequence Photos
- Bluebird Postal Stamps (U.S. and Canada)
- Bluebird Prognosticator: BETA TEST VERSION
- Bluebird Weather: Bluebirds in Autumn
- Bluebird Widows, Widowers & Orphaned Nestlings
- Bluebird Word Puzzle
- Bluebird Word Puzzle – Junior version
- Bluebirder David A. Magness
- Bluebirder Bruce Burdett (1923-2013)
- Bluebirder Dave Ahlgren
- Bluebirder Doreen Scriven (?-2018)
- Bluebirder Floyd Van Ert (1934-2017)
- Bluebirder Jack Finch (1917-2006)
- Bluebirder Joseph F. Huber (1931-2008) – Huber Trap
- Bluebirder Lawrence Zeleny
- Bluebirder Richard (Dick) Tuttle (1944-2022)
- Bluebirder Robert (Bob) Eugene Orthwein (-1999)
- Bluebirder Ron Kingston (1943-2023)
- Bluebirder T.E. Musselman
- Bluebirding Acronyms
- Bluebirding Basics
- Bluebirding Blues – the Downside
- Bluebirding for Love
- Bluebirding Giant: Dick Peterson (1919-2000)
- Bluebirding Giants
- Bluebirding Myths
- Bluebirds Alerting Hosts to Problems
- Books on Bluebirds
- Breeding Age
- Brood Patch: What is it and where can I get one?
- Brown Bluebird
- Bumblebees
- Can a bird get electrocuted from an electric fence or from perching on a wire?
- Candling
- Carolina Chickadee Eggs, Nests & Young – Photos
- Carolina Wren Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Carrier (Paul) Slant Box
- Cat Conkage
- Cats and Bluebirds
- Cavity Nester Egg ID & Size Comparison
- Cavity Nester Matching Game
- Cavity Nesters Removing Fecal Sacs
- Chalet Nestbox Style
- Children’s Activities on Bluebirds
- Claim Straw
- Cleaning out nestboxes
- Climate Change & Birds
- Coloring Page: Eastern Bluebird
- Coloring Page: Mountain Bluebird
- Coloring Page: Western Bluebird
- Compare Right and Wrong Nestboxes
- Compare the nestboxes (printer friendly page)
- Competition among Cavity Nesters – Who Wins?
- Conical Baffle – LBBS Mounting
- Conical Baffle – Standard
- Cooperative Breeding and/or Care by the Same or Different Species
- Cowbird Eggs & Young – Photos
- Crowdsourcing Applied to Cavity Nesters
- DANDR Bluebird Nestbox
- Dead Bluebird Nestlings
- Dead Tree Swallows found in a nestbox
- Deterring Blackflies Black Flies /Buffalo/Turkey Gnats
- Diet – What do bluebirds eat?
- Differences between Bluebirds and Other Small Cavity Nesters
- Do Baby Birds Return to the Nest after Fledging?
- Do bluebirds mate for life? (Fidelity)
- Do Juncos Use Nestboxes?
- Do no harm – the Art of Bluebirding
- Double (Echo) Roof
- Drumming, Tapping and Drilling by Woodpeckers – why, when, deterring
- Dummy and Abandoned Nests – why wasn’t it used?
- Eastern Bluebird Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Eastern Bluebird Range
- Educational Handouts for Bluebird Talks
- Egg Binding and Calcium Deficiency
- Egg Dumping
- Egg Hatching
- Egg Production (HOSP)
- Egg Rotation during Incubation
- Entrance Hole – Debate
- European Starling Nest, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Euthanizing House Sparrows humanely
- Evolution of My Trails
- Exclusion
- Expenditures for Mealworm Farm
- Fact Sheet: Bluebird Growing Up Game
- Fact Sheet: Cavity Nester Matching Game
- Feathers: Facts About
- Fecal Glue in a nest
- Feeders for Bluebirds – Sketches
- Feeding Bluebirds, by Linda Janilla Peterson
- Feeding Crickets to Bluebirds
- Feeding Mealworms to Bluebirds
- Fence Mounted Nestbox Design
- Fire Ants in Nestboxes
- First Egg: How Long Does it Take?
- Fishing for HOSP
- Fledging & Fledglings
- Flocking – Why do Birds Flock?
- Flying Squirrel Adults & Nests – Photos
- Flying Squirrels Biology
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
- Get to Know Bluebirds: A Guide for Young Nature Lovers, by Myrna Pearman
- Gift of Nature: presents that help the environment & encourage people to enjoy the outdoors
- Gilbertson Nestbox – The Story of
- Gilbertson Trap
- Glossary (terms related to bluebirding): what is a… (definitions) ornithology
- Great-crested Flycatcher Nest, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Gruenke House Sparrow Trap
- Gynandromorphs: Half & Half Birds
- Handout on Neglected Nestboxes
- Hanging Boxes – Tips
- Hanta Virus
- Heat & Cold: Beat It
- Hill Lake Nestbox by Andrew Nelson
- Hill Trail – Photos 2007
- History of Bluebirds and Bluebirding – a DRAFT
- History of NABS
- Hole Reducers/Restrictors/Guards
- Hole Size Entry Tests
- House Finch (HOFI) Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- House Sparrow Advisory Letter
- House Sparrow Attack – Video (Frame)
- House Sparrow Attack (Video Clip)
- House Sparrow Attacks
- House Sparrow Eggs – Photos
- House Sparrow History
- House Sparrow Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- House Sparrow Photos
- House Sparrow Proliferation (population growth calculation)
- House Sparrow Trap Reviews
- House Sparrow Trapping Experience
- House Sparrow Wing Trimming: how to, alternative to euthanasia
- House Wren Attacking Eggs – Video
- House Wren Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- House Wren panting inside nestbox: Video
- House Wrens – Discouraging, Wren Guards
- House Wrens – The Great Wren Debate Revisited
- House Wrens: Another Perspective
- How does a bird embryo breathe inside the egg?
- How Many Broods Will Bluebirds Have a Year?
- How Many Eggs Will a Female Lay in a Clutch?
- How the Bluebird and Coyote Got Their Color
- How to Get a Neighbor to Monitor
- How to Make a Sheet Metal Guard for a Nestbox Post
- How to Start a Bluebird Trail
- How To Tell a Tree Swallow from a Barn Swallow
- Huber Trap & Flip-Flop Box
- Hughes Sparrow Resistant(?) Slot Box
- Hunting behavior of EABL
- Hutchings “Coon” Guard
- I found an egg – can I incubate it?
- Installing a Nestbox
- Interference
- Invasive Birds
- Invasive Plants
- Is a Slot Box “Sparrow Resistant”?
- Juniper Titmouse Nest, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Juvenile Helpers
- Kerfs – How To
- Kinney Tree Swallow Nestbox
- Landscaping for Bluebirds
- Lenker Nestbox
- Leucistic / White Bluebirds
- Lifespan- How long does a bluebird live in the wild?
- Links Being Updated
- Live Streaming Bluebird Nestcams
- Magic Halo to Deter House Sparrows (HOSP) from Feeders
- Managing House Sparrows – EXPERIMENTS
- Managing House Sparrows (Control)
- Mel Bolt Sparrow Trap
- Mice & Roof Rats in Nestboxes
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
- Misinformation Online
- Mites in Nestboxes
- Modified Bluebird Feeder for Mealworms
- Monitoring Kit
- Monitoring Nestboxes (Why & How)
- Monofilament (Fishing Line) to Deter HOSP – Experiments
- Mountain Bluebird Nest, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Mountain Chickadee nests, eggs and young – Photos
- Mounting Peterson’s
- Mounting Styles for Nestboxes – Pros & Cons DRAFT
- Mystery Nest # 4 Answer
- Mystery Nest #1
- Mystery Nest #10
- Mystery Nest #3
- Mystery Nest #4
- Mystery Nest #6
- Mystery Nest #7
- Mystery Nest #8
- Mystery Nest #8 Answer
- Mystery Nests #2
- NABS Original and Zeleny NABS Box
- Name 10 Things that are wrong with this nestbox
- Navratil’s Bluebird Buoy Nestbox
- Nest Change How To
- Nest ID Matrix for Small Cavity Nesters
- Nest, Egg, Young and Adult Photo Album – small cavity nesters
- Nestbox Cam Blog 2006
- Nestbox Cam Blog 2007
- Nestbox Cam Blog 2008
- Nestbox Cam Blog 2009
- Nestbox Cam Blog 2010
- Nestbox Cameras: About Nestcams
- Nestbox Handout
- Nestbox Material
- Nestbox Opening Styles (Access) Pros & Cons
- Nestbox Pairing
- Nestbox Plans
- Nestbox Preference – NY Study
- Nestbox specifications (floor size, depth, height, width, entrance hole for birdhouses)
- Nestbox Styles: Pros and Cons
- Nestboxes by Roadsides
- Nestboxes Mounted on Trees
- Nestcam Pix
- Never Say Never
- Noel Guard
- Notes from NABS 2009, Kearny Nebraska
- Notes from the NABS 2006 conference in San Antonio, TX
- Oak Titmouse Eggs, Nests & Young – Photos
- Oath of the Athenian City-State
- Origami Bluebird – Activity for Children
- Other Blue Birds
- Other Brown Birds
- Pairing Houses: How do you do the math? by Linda Janilla
- Pairing: Observations by Kevin Berner
- Panting (Gular Flutter)
- Paper Wasp (Native & European) Photos and Control
- Personal Bluebird Websites
- Peterson Box – Mounting
- Peterson box, modified by David Gwin
- Peterson Trap & Nestbox Plan
- Phoebe Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Photo Slide Show of Bluebirds
- Photographing Cavity Nesting Birds and Nests – Tips
- Photos of Eggs & Nests – More
- Picture of the week – Bluebird Battle
- Picture of the Week – Bluebird News
- Picture of the Week – Brave White-breasted Nuthatch
- Picture of the Week – Bumblebee honeypot and egg/larva mass
- Picture of the week – Carolina Wren nest
- Picture of the week – Chickadee
- Picture of the week – Christmas Chickadee
- Picture of the week – Diet (bluebird with earthworm)
- Picture of the week – Great Crested Flycatcher
- Picture of the week – HOSP on Holiday
- Picture of the week – House Wren Nest with WEBL Feathers
- Picture of the Week – Paparazzi
- Picture of the week – Sunflower Eater
- Picture of the Week – To kill a mockingbird
- Picture of the Week – Tree Swallow eggs
- Picture of the Week – TUTI nesting in flying squirrel box
- Picture of the Week – Under Construction
- Picture of the Week – Under Construction (titmouse)
- Picture of the Week – WEBL Nestlings of WA
- Picture of the Week – WEBLS in Washington
- Picture of the Week: House Wren Nestlings
- Picture of the Week: Tufted Titmouse Newborns
- Picture of the week: BCCH nestlings probably killed by cat
- Picture of the week: Bear Bait
- Picture of the Week: Birdcam
- Picture of the Week: Birthday Blue
- Picture of the week: Bloody Blue Eggs
- Picture of the Week: Blue with Cold
- Picture of the Week: Bluebird nestlings killed by House Sparrows
- Picture of the Week: Bluebirds Nesting Outside the Box
- Picture of the week: Brave Blue
- Picture of the Week: Come On Out, Little Birdie
- Picture of the Week: Cowbird Egg in Eastern Bluebird Nest
- Picture of the Week: Cowbird Egg in Open Cup Nest
- Picture of the Week: Cuddling Nestlings
- Picture of the Week: Dwarf and Double Bluebird Eggs
- Picture of the Week: Dwarf or Runt House Wren Egg
- Picture of the week: En garde
- Picture of the Week: European Paper Wasps & Peterson Boxes
- Picture of the Week: Flicker Peering
- Picture of the Week: Hairy Shrimp
- Picture of the Week: Hawk Perches on Nestbox
- Picture of the Week: HOSP on the HOUSE
- Picture of the Week: House Sparrow Eggs
- Picture of the Week: House Sparrows in Flight
- Picture of the week: House Wren Takeover
- Picture of the Week: Joe’s Cafe
- Picture of the Week: Log Box Plan
- Picture of the Week: Mixed Nest – bluebird and chickadee eggs
- Picture of the Week: Mouse House
- Picture of the Week: Mouse Surprise
- Picture of the Week: My first white egg
- Picture of the Week: My personal nightmare
- Picture of the week: Neglected Nestboxes
- Picture of the week: New Hill Trail
- Picture of the Week: Newborn Blue
- Picture of the Week: Newborn House Sparrows
- Picture of the Week: Nuthatch Bark
- Picture of the Week: Patience Pays
- Picture of the Week: Pink bluebird eggs
- Picture of the Week: Pink MOBL Eggs
- Picture of the Week: Pinkies (baby mice)
- Picture of the Week: Prothonotary Warbler Camper
- Picture of the Week: Prothonotary Warbler Nestbuilding
- Picture of the Week: Prothonotary Warbler Nesting in Tree
- Picture of the Week: Quit Messing with My Nest!
- Picture of the Week: Rainbox
- Picture of the Week: Sharp-shinned Hawk? feeding on starling
- Picture of the Week: Snags and Suet: Pileated Woodpeckers
- Picture of the Week: Snake Lick
- Picture of the Week: Take Your Pick
- Picture of the Week: The Next Generation
- Picture of the week: Threesome
- Picture of the Week: Titmouse
- Picture of the week: Tree Swallow in Flight
- Picture of the Week: Winterfest
- Poem: A bluebird hovers there
- Poem: I wish you bluebirds in the spring
- PowerPoint Presentation on History
- PowerPoint Slide Show – Basics
- Predator Guard Pros & Cons
- Predator/Problem Identification and Solutions
- Preferred Habitat by Species for Birdhouse Birds
- Presentation: Bluebird Conservation
- Pressure Treated Wood
- Preventing Bears from Attacking Nestboxes
- Preventing Fatal Hypothermia in Bluebird Nestlings
- Preventing Premature Fledging
- Preventing Vandalism on a Bluebird Trail
- Preventing Window Strikes
- Privacy Policy
- Prothonotary Warbler (PROW) Nest, Eggs and Young
- Pygmy Nuthatch Nests, Eggs and Young – Photos
- Quotes Related to Bluebirds
- Raising Mealworms: Everything You Always Wanted to Know (and more)
- Red Squirrel Action
- Red Squirrels as Cavity Nesters
- Reinventing Sialis.org
- Relative Sizes of Eggs that May Be Found in EABL Nestboxes
- Research Priorities: Cavity Nesters
- Resources & Links
- Rita Efta Slot Box Plan
- Robert Smith Memorial Bluebird Trail at the Woodstock Landfill
- Robert Wilson’s PVC NABS-style Nestbox
- Roosting Box Design – Emad
- Roosting, Surviving Cold Weather
- Roseland Park & Golf Course Trail Description
- Scientific & Common Names, Subspecies Bluebirds
- Search Sialis (Site Map)
- Sialis.org – Site Index
- Small Cavity Egg ID Matrix
- Snakes – Krueger Trap
- Snakes as Predators
- Song Sparrow
- Songs with Bluebirds in the Lyrics
- Sparrow Spookers: Designs & Instructions
- Sperm Storage for Later Fertilization
- Spiders in Nestboxes
- State & Local Bluebird Societies
- Story: A Chance Encounter with a Bluebird
- Suet Recipes for bluebirds and other birds
- Supplementing Calcium: Feeding Crushed Chicken Eggshells, etc. to Birds
- Survey on Cavity Nester Preferences
- The Amazing Egg
- The Wondrous World of Woodpeckers
- There is a dead baby bird in the box – should I remove it?
- There’s a bluebird nest in my mailbox or newspaper tube
- Ticks, Lyme Disease and Bluebirding
- Tilt Front Nestbox by Mel Bolt
- Tips & Tricks to Attract Bluebirds
- To Pair or Not to Pair
- Too many eggs in one nest
- Trail Prognosticator
- Trapping: How To Set a Van Ert Trap to Catch House Sparrows
- Tree Branch Nestbox – Frank Zuern
- Tree Swallow Adults: Batman in a Tux (Photos)
- Tree Swallow eggs, nests and young
- Tree Swallow Nestbox Grids
- Tree Swallow Nestling Choked on Insect?
- Tree Swallows Killed by House Sparrows
- Tufted Titmouse eggs and nests and young photographs
- Typical Timetables: How Long Will it Take to Nest?
- Unhatched Eggs – why didn’t the eggs hatch?
- Unusual Nest Sites, Part I
- Unusual Nest Sites, Part II
- Video: Raccoon Attack
- Video: Bluebird Food Action
- Video: ESTP (possibly hybrid) Attacking Bluebird – GRAPHIC
- Video: Flying Squirrel eating
- Video: Hissing Titmouse
- Video: House Sparrow Removes Egg
- Video: House Wren “attacks” monitor
- Video: House Wren attacks nestlings
- Video: Prothonotary warblers at a nestbox. Filmed by Jack Dodson.
- Video: Starling Attack on Purple Martin nest from YouTube
- Video: The Story of the Titmouse
- Violet-green Swallow (VGSW) Nest, Eggs and Young
- Wall of Shame: Commercial Establishments Feeding and Breeding House Sparrows
- Weird coloration
- Weird Eggs in Nestboxes
- Western Bluebird nests, eggs and young – Photos
- Western Bluebirds at the Spa
- When HOSP Attack – Real Life Experiences with House Sparrows
- When Will Nest Building Start?
- When will the first egg be laid?
- White Bluebird Eggs
- White-breasted Nuthatch Nests, Eggs & Young – Photos
- Why are bluebirds blue?
- Why is a bird eating the mortar between the bricks on my house?
- Why petting nestlings is not a good idea
- Why we get goopy over bluebirds
- Wildlife Rehabilitation and Emergency Baby Bird Care
- Will my bluebirds come back?
- Winter Roost Box
- Word puzzle solution
- Wren Guards by Bob Orthwein
- You know you’re a bluebirder when…